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Mental Health → Nov2022.Beyond Trauma-Informed Care

Nov2022.Trauma & Healing When Working with Adults & Children:The DevelopmentalRelational Perspective

Tuesday, November 1, 2022, 2:00 PM ET

What do we mean when we say that someone has experienced trauma, or that trauma has affected adult or child development? Individuals experience stressful or traumatic events differently. Stress can occur on a continuum from healthy to toxic varieties. In this webinar, you will learn about the impact of toxic stress and traumatic events on the interactions between and among adult family members, children, and providers.

Course Format:
Live Interactive Webinar on Tuesday, November 1, 2021, 2:00 PM ET

# of hours:
1.5 - clock hour certificate will be provided

This series is designed for professionals who work with families of young children interested in supporting children and families who have experienced trauma. Professionals may include early care educators, family child care providers, mental health consultants, home visitors, pediatricians, early interventionists, and more.
This series will benefit family-facing providers who are new to the Touchpoints Approach as well as those who have been trained in Touchpoints. The series will also benefit providers who have varying familiarity with trauma-informed care.

In this session, participants will:
  • Learn how stress occurs on a continuum from healthy to toxic levels
  • Understand the different ways individuals might respond to, cope with, and adapt to traumatic experiences
  • Reflect on how to engage in strengths-based interactions with children and adults who have experienced trauma

Number of participants:
Maximum of 500

$35/webinar or $95 for all 3 Webinars
BTC Learning Network Member Price: $33/webinar or $90 for all 3
Click Here for more information on the BTC Learning Network

This webinar is a part of Beyond Trauma-Informed Care: A Developmental-Relational Framework for Engaging Adults and Children in Healing and Resilience Series.

This three-part webinar series will explore strengths-based foundational concepts and actionable strategies related to trauma, adaptation, healing, and resilience. Family- and child-facing providers will learn about a developmental-relational framework that will deepen their understanding of the individual and systemic impact of trauma and support their work with children and families. We will explore identification and intervention strategies that can enhance relationship-based, developmentally informed practices to support healthy development and promote healing and resilience for both children and their adult caregivers. Participants will learn to better understand and respond with empathy to behavior displayed by children and adults who have experienced trauma, while also supporting their development of a greater sense of trust and safety. Key concepts and strategies from the Touchpoints Developmental and Relational Frameworks will be woven throughout the series.

You can register for each webinar individually or sign up for the whole series.

Would you like to bring this course or another BTC training to your program, organization, or community? BTC facilitators can offer our courses online to your community. We can also customize trainings to meet your program’s or organization’s professional development needs. Contact us today for more information: Touchpoints@childrens.harvard.edu

Clock Hour Credit: 1.5

  • Live Webinar Zoom Meeting Details
  • Webinar Evaluation - Available Following Live Webinar
  • Webinar Evaluation
  • Evaluación del seminario web (Español)
  • RECORDING: Live Webinar Recording (English)
  • Zoom Recording Link
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Webinar Evaluation"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever